Not all dates have to be with your significant other. Friend date ideas are easily overlooked but oh, so much fun! Well, get ready because you’re about to have 45 awesome dates to embark on with the person you choose to call your bestie.


A few of the dates can only be done during certain seasons. So read through them first and make a note in your calendar of any that require forward planning.


I know conversations don’t always flow naturally. And I’m here to help. Each date has a fun conversation starter that should get you chatting away. 


Have Fun: If you find any dates you aren’t comfortable with, switch them out or modify them to suit. We are here to have fun, and that’s that. 


Friend Date Ideas


1. High Tea


I thought we’d start off fancy. Do some hunting around to find high tea near you. I personally love the ones that include a bottomless brunch. It’s 5pm somewhere, right? 


Conversation starter: What’s your family heritage, and how do you honor it?


2. Thrift Shop Dinner Date


Buy the cheapest/gaudiest/oldest outfit and wear the brilliant piece of fashion history to dinner. Cheap restaurants with insufficient lighting will be your friend tonight.


Conversation starter: Does everything get more beautiful with age?


3. Wine o’Clock


A friend date ideas must! Book yourselves on a wine tour and get daytime tipsy. Don’t forget to take at least 200 selfies throughout the day that you can laugh at the next day.


Conversation starter: Why does alcohol make us lovey-dovey?


4. Do A Spin Class


Your local gym should offer a free session or two before signing up. So make the most of the freebie and get your spin on!


Conversation starter: Does exercise clear your mind? What else does it make you feel?


5. Time To Laugh


There’s no better way to bond than through laughter. Find your local open mic comedy night, grab a glass of white and laugh your socks off. 


Conversation starter: Rehearse and tell your three best jokes. The winner takes all!


6. All You Can Eat Pizza Night


If Pizza Hut has stopped doing them in your local area, make your own. Cooking (especially pizza) is a great way to spend quality time with your badass BFF.


Conversation starter: What’s the most menial job you’ve ever had? What did it teach you?


7. RomCom Night


Nothing soothes the soul quite like a RomCom! If you’re struggling for ideas, may I suggest Crazy Stupid Love or anything with Patrick Dempsey in it.


Conversation starter: Do you get jealous of other people’s relationships, or do you learn from them?


8. Record A Podcast


Don’t worry, you don’t have to publish it. Pick a topic of shared interest, download a recording app on your phone and get chatting. Bonus points for throwing it up on YouTube.


Conversation starter: What podcasts do you listen to? Do you listen to learn or for entertainment?


9. Cocktail Carnage


Knock up your favorite cocktails or find some you’ve never heard of to make together. Why not invent your own, name it and post it on Wikipedia.


Conversation starter: What’s your most memorable night out? 


10. Time Capsule


Get a shoebox and fill it with keepsakes, cards, photos, movie stubs, etc. Include a letter to your future self. Decide on a date you will open the box 10-years from now.


Conversation starter: Where do you think we’ll be in ten years from now?


11. Paint a Nude Dude


Find your local art studio, enroll in a course where you’ll see at least one willy, do a shot of vodka for courage and get your paint on!


Conversation starter: Is the male body beautiful?


12. Brewery / Cidery Lunch


Find your local orchard, grab a picnic rug, snacks, and get some solid quality time in with your sister from another mister.


Conversation starter: What do you find most attractive in a partner?


13. Cards Against Humanity


No game on Earth can turn a prim and proper woman into a filthy little potty mouth quicker than this one. This game constantly has me wet-my-pants-laughing!


Conversation starter: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever heard someone say? How did you react?


14. Burger Hunter


Been working hard at the gym? Only putting greens in your body? Well, it’s time to ruin all that and try the best burger in town. Join your local Facebook burger group to find the best.


Conversation starter: What’s the best meal you’ve ever had? Did you go back and have it a second time?


15. Observatory


It doesn’t get much better than looking at the night sky! head to an observatory and be amazed. The infinity of space will have you questioning the meaning of life by the end of the night. 


Conversation starter: Where do you think space ends? Do you believe in the big bang?


16. Make Your Own Soap


Not because you stink, well maybe you do, but that’s for your BFF to say, not me. For instructions, I like Elly’s Everyday Soap Making on YouTube.


Conversation starter: Do you race in and out of the shower, or do you enjoy it as meditation time?


17. RollaSkate Back To 1995


You’ll feel like you’ve rewound time with this fun date. Bonus points for wearing bell-bottoms and chatting up cute guys at the DJ Booth.


Conversation starter: Who have you got a crush on at the moment? How are you going to make a move?


18. Degustation Dinner


Prerequisites: stretchy pants. A degustation is a five to ten-course meal of the most beautifully prepared food you’ll ever eat, paired with the most exquisite wine you’ll ever drink. 


Conversation starter: What goals do you have for this year? Are you on track with them?


19. Picnic in The Park


Pack up your favorite snacks and drinks and head to a park. This is where you can wear that silly hat you bought at a flea market in the countryside.


Conversation starter: Do you feel different when you’re in nature? And if so, how?


20. Visit A Psychic


I wonder who you were in a previous life? I wonder who’s channeling you from another realm? Whether you believe it or not, it is entertaining to see what they say. 


Conversation starter: Do you believe in the supernatural? What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you?


21. Take A Salsa Class


One of the most fantastic bars I’ve ever been to was a Salsa Club in the back streets of Sydney. Find your local one and flare it up like you’re on Dancing with The Stars.


Conversation starter: How have your priorities changed over the years?


22. Road Trip!


Find your local wine region, and don’t stop driving until someone’s asking you, “Would you like to try red, white, or sparkling, ma’am?” “All of them, of course!”


Conversation starter: If you could travel back in time, where and when would you go?


23. Karaoke Night


So what if you don’t sound like Mariah Carey or Prince. There’s a reason why Karaoke bars are small and full of drunk folk that wouldn’t know one end of a mic from the other.


Conversation starter: Who’s your favorite musician of all time? Have they influenced your life in any way?

Friend Date Ideas

24. Learn A Language


I recommend Italian, Spanish, or French as there are many cross-over words in English. Paul Noble produces some amazing audiotapes that will have you chatting away in no time.


Conversation starter: If you had to live in another country, where would you choose and why?


25. Dessert and Bridget


The thought of a hot brownie baking in the oven while watching Bridget Jones 1, 2, and 3 with your bestie sounds like a dream night. Don’t forget the Ben and Jerry’s. 


Conversation starter: Is lust just the first phase of love?


26. Yoga Session


There are literally a trillion yoga classes running right now, so find one that matches your skill level. Why not try a beachside class or one with a view.


Conversation starter: What do you think the meaning of life is?


27. Escape Room


If you’re like me, the thought of being trapped anywhere is terrifying. But I faced this fear head-on and had a surprisingly fun night doing it, as I’m sure you will too.


Conversation starter: What frightens you the most about your future?


28. Hike It Out


Time to lace up the boots and get back to nature. The best thing about this date is that you disconnect from the world and spend some real quality time with your bestie.


Conversation starter: What was your favorite childhood fairytale/story?


29. It’s A Dance Off


Can’t dance? No problem. Find some excellent dance teachers on YouTube and get popping in your lounge room. Bonus points if you master the floss and the shuffle.


Conversation starter: Would you be a professional dancer if the opportunity arose?


30. Visit an Animal Shelter


Call your local shelter and see if you can help out during feeding time. Shelters are run by volunteers who are always looking for a little extra help. 


Conversation starter: Would you adopt an animal? Could you raise a seeing-eye dog?


31. Farmers Market


Picture this; a fresh bacon roll, a steaming hot coffee, and all the homemade nougat and chocolate you can eat with the early morning sun on your face.


Conversation starter: Could you live on a farm away from the bustle of city life?


32. Find A Geocache


Geocaching is basically the biggest treasure hunt on Earth. Go to and follow the instructions to get hunting. You’ll be surprised what’s hiding in your local area.


Conversation starter: What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever found (besides this Geocache)?


33. Themed Dinner Party


You can expand your circle of besties for this one. Pick a theme that everyone digs and draw a prize for the best dressed. Bonus points for incorporating the theme into the food too.


Conversation starter: What era would you most like to have lived through?


34. Visit A Cat Café


Are you a feline freak, or are you more of a dog lover? Regardless of your fondness for cats, this is a must-do just for its randomness. 


Conversation starter: Do you believe in reincarnation?


35. Stand Up Paddle Boarding


Sick of seeing everyone else on planet Earth trying to do a handstand on a stand-up paddleboard? Well, now it’s your turn. Take a GoPro if you have one to record all the funny moments.


Conversation starter: Are you scared of trying new things? What’s one thing you regret not giving a go? 


36. Candle Making


Grab a candle-making kit and dip your toe in the candle-making world. DIY candles make thoughtful gifts, and who knows, maybe you’ll like it so much you keep making them. 


Conversation starter: Are you game enough to start your own business?


37. Picnic in a Botanical Garden


Time to escape without getting on a plane. Your local botanical garden is a great way to feel like you’re amongst nature and reset from a busy week of adulting.


Conversation starter: What does our relationship mean to you? Could you survive without me?


38. Day Spa


When it comes to friend date ideas, this one is a must! Who doesn’t love being pampered? Treat yourselves to a day of relaxation and well-deserved indulgence. 


Conversation starter: How often do you set aside time to unwind?


39. Musical Play


Oh, my, what a lovely night for theatre darling! Who doesn’t love watching a beautiful story come to life on stage? 


Conversation starter: Are you brave enough to be an actress? What roles would you play?


40. Make an Appreciation Video


Talk about the first time you met, the best times you’ve had, why your BFF is the only one for you, and what you’ll be like as old people. 


Conversation starter: Was your friendship always meant to be or a twist of fate? 


41. Theme Park


I don’t want to hear that you’re too mature for this sort of thing because, let’s face it, you’re not. Plus, adrenalin keeps you looking young (I made that up – just have fun.)


Conversation starter: What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done?


42. Matching Tattoos


This one is for the bravest of BFFs. Don’t do it on a whim as I did with my BFF. Spend some time throwing ideas around until you’re both happy with a design, then book in somewhere reputable.


Conversation starter: Are we crazy enough to get matching tattoos? 😊


43. Cooking Class


Whether you sauté mushrooms in garlic butter or burn your toast on both sides, there is something for everyone in a professional cooking class.


Conversation starter: If you could be a celebrity chef, who would you choose and why?


44. Double-Blind Date


Jump on each other’s dating accounts, pick a dude for them and line up a date. If you’re already in a relationship, grab your respective partners and go on a double date.


Conversation starter: Do you get nervous meeting new people? And if so, why?


45. Camping or Cabin Trip


Dust off the tent and book a camping trip together for ultimate bonding time. If you prefer not to set up your own accommodation, book a cozy cabin in the woods with a log fire and hot tub.


Conversation starter: Could you spend a month in the wilderness without connection to your life?


That’s a Wrap on 45 Friend Date Ideas


There you go, 45 friend date ideas to do with your bestie! I’d love to know how it goes if you try one. Don’t hesitate to email me or message me on Instagram (@suiteblissprintables).


P.s. If you’re looking for a bonus date and if you like drinking games, check out this Kings Cup Rule blog. It’ll make for an epic night of fun with your bestie and a few extra friends! Just remember to drink responsibly!

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